I'm a good cook...but a forgetful one now-a-days, especially when i've turned the burner low ...
yesterday i was pounding away at my keyboard (those dratted deadlines) when a vague smell assailed me. i sniffed and ...sniffed some more...i checked the toilets...with boys you never know what you can find in there...
Then omg! a tubelight leapt to life in my mind. A vision of a dish fighting for its life! I made a dash to the kitchen to see the pan and the contents the same color black. What started out to be fried paneer (cottage cheese)for a dish turned out to be smouldering whatever. Blame my mag..and blogger for this :(
...of course i wanted to take a picture of the burnt dish but i got a GLARE for this!!!
It so happened that someone was expected for dinner. Anyways you don't become a mother of two boys without being innovative, I added a substitute and the result was delicious...Luckily that was the last minute addition to a gravy and everything else was ready, so saved the dinner and my reputation . Why is that only the women are supposed to know cooking?
But...this post was more about a realization that i'm aging well. 10 yrs back this would have merited an oscar winning performance of shock and i would have been horrified and perhaps ended up taking the guest out for dinner. but no more!!!i just take life as it comes...Nothing is worth getting very frazzled about. Now if someone breaks a plate i say...oh! well, time to buy a new one...
And yes, the younger says when i toast bread...umm..amma, i like it the bread color!!!!!!!!!**cheeky guy
and the elder says...i love toasting bread can i do it?***subtle isn't he?
and i say.."Great, can i have one too?"***smart me :)
Psst...moral...i write..therfore i burn...some burn midnight oil, i burn food...
please do hop here to see some spontaneous fun!!!
:) keep writing, if it means burning...its ok, go right ahead and burn but keep writing. Thanks also for stopping by to drop comments at my sulekha advent...:) was fun, as for cooking. I hate cooking, my husband loves it, so our home is still intact, hasnt burnt down yet ;)...
lol!! I think its time the paneer had a makeover!! :)
But whats the fun in a household, if all things were perfect...so boring.
I learnt to cook only after marraige, cos at mom's I had the entire family pitching in....men included...
so just let the older one try his hands at it...an maybe u could just get back to writing...
why are only women suppoed to know cooking? and why are only men supposed to go through the daily morning grind of shaving their facial hair growth? :P
i think as families go nuclear and more women are juggling family and work pressures, more men are pitching in with their culinary skills. some men actually find it interesting and stress-relieving.
but in households where this is not true, i think its best for both parties to agree to find some cook who can take this chore away from their respective plates.
finding a good cook? well, thats another story by itself, isn't it? :)
I am cluless as to whom to blame, I saw the word paneer, and I could not concentrate on rest of the paste.. the paneer tikka at one of the resturarants here is just amazing :)
Aging well.. well good that people are ok with ageing, but have to say forgetting has nothing to do with age you see, I once went on my two wheeler to a hair cutting saloon and walked back, after 3 hours my dad realized my bike was missing :)
oil is a rapidly depleting natural resource.. and burning it isn't recco'ed! :D
so go ahead, do ur bit for the environment and burn up d food! and do ur bit for the blog-ville... and keep writing! :D
and V taught me to cook. and still likes cooking a hell lot more than i do! :D
Aging gracefully and writing well. A little burns here and there add spice to life. Enjoyed the post thoroughly.
lol.. i loved the younger one's take.. DH and Nantu have to assume the same attitude here.. they dont have a choice.. you dont like what I cook? Go get a take out!!! But then I am a very average cook...
Very nice post.. enjoyed it!!!
Very Funny. Sure it happens. I liked this "Why is that only the women are supposed to know cooking? " Are we teaching our sons to cook from now on???? just kidding;)
I wrote something on this topic.. come read
Chronicles of my Culinary Escapades
@ Ul...
you made me smile...
and how lucky can you get, hubby knows cooking...sigh...
**perking up...mine knows to toast bread and make tea...
@ prats...
the paneer sure became something exotic with some unpronounceable name..and thankfully none of my boys opened their mouth during the dinner and asked "What happened to the burnt paneer? " I think they took pity on me! :)
@ guruprasad...
heh..heh...this is not a man woman competition...
i did have a cook in delhi, whose arrival was more looked forward to than my husband's...cos if he landed that meant we had dinner :)
here in singapore, no such luck...so everyone;s having fun!!!
@ rambler...
all guys are foodies...:(
@ rayshma...
lucky you!!! and i stand by your recomendation...i really do...that's a novel take on saving the enviroment...hopefully the enviromentalists don't come after you :D
@ dd...
laughing at my expense...sure go ahead!!! :D
@ joy...
thatw a s sentence i liked...must remeber to spout that whenver i burn something!!!where are you?not to be seen on orkut?
@ sumana...
sure, when half the people here have husbands who cook, i think i should prepare my sons for their future commitments...:D
@ preethi...
i read that and commented too..it was a nice read! :)
hey that was vry funny....
i write..therfore i burn...some burn midnight oil, i burn food... amazing...
even m zero in household chores..u know i cant stand in kitchen...
i cant find u in orkut even after puttung 3 dots.
ha ha ha.. buring food for writing ;-) "Why is that ...to know cooking? "
hm.. who sayz guys dont cook? will invite u one day for dinner :)
btw shh.. what did u use as substitute?
I also burn various body parts. My own, naturally. Nobody else dares to enter the kitchen when I am inside.
Hey you are a great cook..seriously..everyone can cook...but managing burnt stuff is not that easy u knw...u rock..:)
'Now if someone breaks a plate i say...oh! well, time to buy a new one...'
You are ageing.I've aged.if someone breaks a plate I say "Lets get some disposable plates.No laying out tables for me.Hold the plate in your hands and eat with a spoon.Getting smarter by the day.Ain't I??
@ sandhya...
that's stange.. give me your orkut profile and let me hunt you down :)
@ --xh---
guys can cook...only mine can't :(
and psst...must you know? its a culinary secret ;)
@ just jen...
...hey thanks...and you too are a burnt case...welcome to the clan!!!
@ ap...
ouch!!!...hey u must marry a chef or atleast someone who owns restaurant :)
@ aarthi...
that really soothed me...thanks,...
@ hhg...that i agree..you are the smartest grandmom i've seen...i learn something new everytime i come to your blog..
Hehehehehe... Suma! :) You sound quite a competent multitasker..:) The point is to manage when there is damage.. (I know that was baaaad! Couldn't helop it!!:))
Besides, I don't think age has much to do with food burning!! :) In my case, its normally a miscalculation with the minutes on the grill:) Vivek should tell you about my tandoori chicken and so should my melted microwave cookware!!:)
You burn the food, I made my oven-safe vessel to melt!!! The rice was so very nicely decorated with the melted plastic modern art, even words fall short. That too after telling mom, "it can be done so quickly in oven. You should embrace change and make life easier"!!! :o|
'Why is that only the women are supposed to know cooking?'
I am a professional chef! I rest my case. Must fly - my toast is burning!
Ha. Very funny!
You are better.. The first time I cooked, i put chana in the cooker and waited for the first whistle for almost 45 mins. Later I realized that pressure cooker needs water to generate pressure.
It happens in life:)
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