It is a strange feeling to get up with no agenda, no mom to smile at, no dad to pamper, and nothing to do...*Of course i have to help Swaraj finish the school project but that's not what i want right now*....
I loved the role reversal, when they were here. It was my turn to pamper them, which i did to my heart's content. As usual they felt I was too thin, not looking after myself and doing too much. As usual, I felt I should be doing more for them...It felt great to be giving back in some way
I'm going to take my time and leisurely read all the posts i've missed. I've managed a to catch up on a few good ones. One of the first posts happened to be Madhumita's review of the movie'KITE RUNNER. Ziah finally posted her new chapter making my day, Ps gave me a wake-up call, and hip grandma's nostalgic tale took me back in time...gosh, i've missed quite a lot of good ones...
This is such a great way to start the new year...My mind's still in a feel good mode, i don't feel like pressing it to function...I still have a week of vacation left and i'm going to live it up with the kids and hubby...
It is a beautiful morning here and I'm drunk with joy and contentment.So, here's raising a toast to 2008...I'm looking forward to more writing, seeing a few goals achieved, raising a few bars here and there and continuing being friends with my children!
It's a brand new year, what will you do with it?

Coincidentally this happened to be the propmt at sunday scribblers...
Wish you a happy & prosperous new year.
hey enjoy the calmness :)..
Hey TA!!:) Glad you n the TA family had a great time...:) And awww! Missing mom n dad? Here's a big hug to you!! I'm kinda homesick too... my folks are 3.5 hours away (in Poona) and I'm soooo tied to my house and my job and my maid crisis that I sit and sulk :)
P.S: I'm gonna finish Muffet just for you..:)
2 romila
thanks and wish you teh same too :)
@ rambler..
Ahh!! that's a neat way of putting it...but calmness with my boys around? if only the mind would wake up...
@ ziah...
hugz to you sulking!!!
and u giving me shock after shock!!!u post your chapter, u answer to mine and u trying to finish i've cheered up!!!
aww.. mom n dad went back so soon?? Poor you!!! Hugs!! Happy New Year... Have a wonderful year ahead!!!
wish u a rockin 2008! :)
lotsa time at hand, eh? good time to catch up on ur addiction! :D
@ preethi...
i was a tornado visit! thanks..hoping to see more poetry form you :)
@ rayshma...
as you say a great time to catch up on my addiction...hopefully posts will be more regular now...
Thanks, and wish you a happening 2008!!
hey....HAPPY NEW YEAR. And the fun is in remembering you had a great time while they were there. Knowing parents they want that from their kiddos.......but calmness is what u need before school term have fun and enjoy
Wish you a Happy new year
Suma - a very happy New Year to you. The last para of your post is full of positive energy ... wishing you lots more of the same for the rest of the year. Enjoy!
Welcome back..Pampered totally,i guess,by your parents..bubbling with energy and stepping into 2008..It shows in the nice post of yours..
I thought,being addicted (pun intended )you may show up once in a while..but looks you had your hands full
Thanks..i needed that..though i think calmness will prevail when the school begins...
hey thanks!!!
@ madhumita...
thank you had a wonderful holiday?
@ Cu...
Ohh the solution to de-addiction is to get your parents home ;)
How was your new year?
@ just jen...
awww...hugs to you...:)
Wow!!! You are blessed. Most important in life is content and it spills over with every word of yours. Touch wood!!! May God bless you and have a rocking year :o)
Happy New Year to you! I know that silence, it is SO LOUD!!!! Enjoy that space from all your loved ones being with you, it will fill quickly!!! I am so glad you had this special time together, makes them all the more precious...
Happy 2008 to you! Just started to make a comment when your music came on - I'm dancing away, now! Thanks!
Thank goodness for that calmness. And Happy New Year!
Enjoy that calmness. It is so rare nowadays..
"drunk with joy and contentment" - is there a better state of being?
How wonderful!
I'm hoping this will be a productive year.
Happy 2008!
Loud silence does have some benefits...Happy New Year to you too. This is my first visit as I am new to first submission is:
@ akshatha, lea, sue, sassylucy , devil mood, susie and gautami...
Thank you so much for your bright wishes...I wish you a rocking year too!!!
Great to see you back, Suma. Happy 08 to you and your loved ones... glad you got the break with parents and got to pamper and be pampered...cheers to you too.
Great post! I love your line about being "drunk with joy and contentment" what an wondrous feeling.
enjoyd your post...most especially abt the opportunity to give parents a little bit of that love back..
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