Three people converged from various corners to see lil S sprawled on the floor. When he got up, my heart lurched. His whole face was covered with blood and for a second we had no idea where he was hurt – internally or externally. Luckily he had missed teh glass door nearby. There was so much blood that it was scary, not to mention the big brother howling away! A quick glance showed a deep gash near the eye and we, pretending to be brave, rushed to the emergency care, very worried that there was some damage to his eye. Hours of anxious waiting followed, where the doctors patiently reassured us that he was fine and just needed stitches. We held his hands, we talked to him but he was not fooled, he kept fighting his sedation because he did not want to lose sight of us. The poor boy finally slept on the drive home, with us feeling guilty for not having prevented it. Ten years of parenting should have hardened us, kids fall, that's part of growing up but try telling that to my heart
Two days later, the lil one back to his antics, I sit down to finish my pending work. I open my comment box to read a message which led me to Madhu’s blog. And I see this.
Another whimsical post to you, madhu for this blessing. You have no idea how much it meant to me.
This tag is a blessing in disguise and i'm glad that i can keep up this chain. I have been asked to select three people and direct some positive vibes their way. And this picture below

is to represent that the tag is indeed traveling virtually across the world. For the sake of the chain, i can tag only a few, but i do wish the very best for everyone reading this.
Prats – a wonderful person in all ways that matter. I pray that you continue bringing warmth and sunshine everywhere you go.
Ziah – You definitely need this. May the 18 hr workdays decrease and your posts increase... :) Hopefully this accelerates the muffet writing process ;)
UL – for her delightful and creative posts. She’s a special blog friend and I wish the very best for her.
Preethi - I hope that that i continue getting my daily fix of little Nantu and your creative outbursts
and I tag you, now pass your blessings around and do your bit of wand waving.
I did feel like the fairy godmother here!
oh!!!! Poor thing, how is he now? How helpless we find ourselves when a little one is fighting pain and we are not able to do anything :o(
there is a saying in malayalam which roughly translates to 'what had to strike eye, did strike the eye brow'. thank go that Junior is fine. However we try to prevent, things like this sometimes happends.. dont brood over it - one fall and that deep cut is not the certificate of your carlessness - it was ment to happen, and just did happen. and teh guardian agel took care of him :-D so, cheer up...
angels are hovering over just so that they are there at the right time....yes I believe that.
Thank you so much for bringing me into this circle...i'm so honoured and I really am so happy...thank you thank you
Thank you Suma!! :)
You know I'm beginning to believe there's some enchantment to this tag... my workload has been kinda light since yesterday... looks like I will go home, see Vivek in person and catchup on sleep this week!:)
I'm glad Swarn is doin well..:) Will mail you asap once my net's back n kickin at home:) Hugs!:)
Hey how's little S now? Childhood is full of fun and fall. I am sure he'll narrate this bravery to his friends in years to come. Take care.
OMG... that sounds SO scary!!! good to know he's back to his antics now... *hugs*
hey glad to know he is back to normal.. I guess he will keep you busy now that he will be home all day :)
Thank you fairy godmother.. I am touched!!! :) ... glad to hear Swaran is doing better.. and I don't think any number of years of motherhood hardens us or prepares us for these falls.. we are Mother's after all!! (A few years ago, had I read this anywhere.. I would have been laughing.. and now I write such stuff myself!!! uh!)
@ akshatha,
He's fine now except for the black eye...Thank you for asking...
@ --xh--,
oh thanks i needed that...though you do know that it is part of growing up, still at that moment, when you see the boy helpless and you can't do anything about his IS such a wretched feeling!
@ prats...I am very sure of that...because teh 'what if's'were many and he was truly fortunate to have got away with a gash.
:) pass it on
@ ziah
Thank YOU...:)
and see, all i had to do was wave that magic wand ...Vivek owes me one :)...
waiting for the mail too...
@ joy...
he's fine now thank you... he is already revelling in his black-eyed status...
@ rayshma...
it is worse when they depend on you to make the pain go away..and you can't...
@ rambler..
he is so BORED staying at home.. he is too restless to be in one place...
@ preethi...
yes, only a parent would know this helpless feeling...and swaran has always gone to the doc for either a dislocation, cuts and bruises...very rarely for a fever...his doc in Delhi was so used to us visiting him at all hours...:P
Do wave your wand around...
its so easy for me to comment here and say something wise and sensible, and maybe humorous too. but it all evaporates when its happening to me :)
with all the blessings you are getting here, you sure don't have to worry lady! :)
hahaha....well the good thing that we can smile about this knowing that there was no serious damage.....and please dont blame ur parenting.....only encourage more cuts and gashes with a stone on ur'll only do him good as he grows up knowing full well what the extents of his pain thresholds are:).....its a boy thing;) and my bro both have scars on our forehead to show and laugh about.....and nowadays we dont even realise if we've been cut somewhere until someone points it out:).....cuts and bruises and stitches to show..and 8 fractures later...i gave my paernts hell but i have some awesome stories to share with friends and laugh!;)........enjoy these years:)
Oh my! That must've hurt him and you so much. I can understand how difficult it is to see ur child bleed and reassure him at the same time, think logically at the same time and get him to the doc. all the time worrying about the eye and all.... i think we as parents rise a little higher during these occasions. I'm sure the little wand had its magic on you all the while :) u r truly blessed :)
Oh god TA. I can understand what a parent feels. I am sure the max a parent can do is to stay calm and help oneself out. But sure causes agony and tension. All the safe recovery to the little one.
oh Suma. I left a lengthy comment for you, not sure where it went....
it was right after I got your notifcation...
Thanks so much for this honour Suma, I am really flattered. I was also asking after your little boy, it must have been really worrying for a parent it's always one thing or the other...
I also mentioned that I will respond to this in the next few days in my own personal blog, thanks so much for thinking of me. Hope your son feels much better, take care.
I can understand how soothing the msg would have been to you....:)
Hey Suma : How is the little fellow now? Stitches removed etc?
Ouch ouch ouch..I am glad he is ok now!
hey done :) by the way .. thanks so much for this and your encouragement... even though we havent met, i feel like you are a special friend :)
did I tell you I am done with this?
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