Turning 36 and realising it feels just like 35...
Finding out how lucky i am to be turning 36, from my 5 yr old..you are so lucky amma, you have so many candles to blow, not fair!!...
Realising that we have a long 4 day weekend just for my b'day...(actually it was for Chinese new year but that is really beside the point!!!)
Having a surprise lunch date with G, with kids at school...and then splurging on doughnuts to keep the guilt pangs away.
Spending a day out at the beach with kids and G, biking, building castles and of course eating...
Missing a deadline, realising that Singapore is a few hours ahead and salvaging the day! .(*Phew!!)
Seeing my little one practice his lil Cha Cha dance-hops...
Having a birthday hangover!!!
Finishing that book which i started weeks back and reaching out for another
Blogging just because...without wanting to be politically correct, perfect, funny or profound...
Finally changing my template and realising that i am not so dumb after all... i can even tweak around with the code now. (be prepared to suffer more experiments...)
Getting the net to work long enough to post this...
Err...ummm...getting to the point now, how's the new template, anyway? :)
i love the pic at the mast-head! but i think i still need some to get used to the color theme of the rest of the page. but then nobody depends on me for choosing color and such-like :)
i think these simple pleasure are the source of profound peace in our lives. give me these simple pleasures any day!
Heyyy! I like the template. Looks really cool in perfect blue:) I was planning to mention that in my last comment... but... I dunno how come I forgot!:( Senility at 24??:(
hey, nice template. like the pic in teh heading very much. only grouse is, the font size is a bit too big for me :)
and happy b'day. really nice to know taht u had a nice time. wish you all sucess and happiness in the comming days.. :)
Err. I actually forgot how your previous template looked like. Some memory I have got! But blame it on your posts, they are such a delight to read and everything else blurrs out.
Glad to know you had great b'day. It is difficult to have a 2 week B'day hangover after an age of 16. You have experience something remarkable.
First of all A very Happy Birthday!!
What more can one ask for..such simple pleasures that give us so much happiness!!
And the template looks really cool! Very soothing to the eyes.
i love the template, it looks very peaceful.. i would experiment with the color of the tagline, as some of the text gets lost in the lovely graphic...and everything here is so beautiful,,, i would hate to see any of it passed over....
Happy Val's Day... :)
and wonderful template!! it lends a very "cool" look & feel to the space...
hey nice template :)
aha birthday hangover .. that sounds great :) and a long weekend sounds awesome :)
btw 36? really? :D
lovely day.. wow you got to go on a lunch date? Its been ages since we did that.. just us I mean.. we should go to brunch some day... before Nantu returns from school!! :)
Template is nice.. but am wondering if it will look better with the background black turned to a light blue?
Lovely template, Lovely post and Yes, Happy Birthday!
Sure TA, It is fabulous and good work indeed getting everything to work...Finally belated birthday wishes..
Happy bday ... came here from Preethi's blog ... you write so well ..
Great masthead, but the background colour for the body text is not as good. Either that, or I have poor taste :-)
Great masthead, but the background colour for the body text is not as good. Either that, or I have poor taste :-)
new template's nice!
not sure i like the shade of blue for the post background.
i like best the font for "Aalochane" at the top :-)
hey first of all a vry Happy B'day.
n d blue colour is really awesome....
hey guys....thank u, thank u and thank u for the feedback...as for the color, still experimenting...its not very easy to change the masthead/post background color..:(
thanx for the b'day wishes too...:D
It's looking good! And in any case beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I like your blue! Oh, and Happy Birthday!
Thanks for your comments on my blog. The Taj Mahal pics are recent - I took them last year.
verrrry nice!
Wow--lovely new template--and belated birthday wishes!!You and I are the same age :-)
Belated happy birthday!
happy b'day!No new posts at sulekha?The new template is good.
@ keith..., keshi..., preeti and ps
thank you ...:)...i'm thrilled
@ hhg...
thank you...how are you? i've been lying a bit low at sulekha...there's hardly any time these days..
Hey ... I do like the lay-out header. And best wishes on your birthday. You clearly had a nice one :)
Hey ta,
sorry i missed your b'day. Belated wishes.
The new look is good!
Is your DOB 14th Feb? Really? :)
I am a 36 yr old Capricorn! :) Dec 25!
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