So much has happened this last week. Events that could have been avoided. Events which highlighted the insensitivity of the media and the sleeping politicians. Events which revealed massive chinks and deficiencies in our security system...
They came in from the sea this time, just as they had come in from the sky in another country in another time...This time they were smart, even confident. The very audacity of the attacks mocked our defence system. They attacked the foreigners, thus ensuring world coverage. It is also believed that this was a known threat, which makes what happened even more shocking...
Did you see those terrorists? They were mere kids! Kids with Guns!!!! and this time it was for real...these madmen managed to create havoc and the death of so many. They caught us napping. How could that have been possible? But it was, televised as it was to every corner of the world.
The last few days have been spent just watching the television and my laptop, wanting to stop reading but not able to... I just kept reading and watching...
The scene at the VT station is haunting...My son looked on horrified and then turned away saying "They are mad, Amma! Why would anyone want to do that?" Its scary to think that soon this 11 yr-old may get immune to this too. Just like most of us have become.
They came in from the sea this time, just as they had come in from the sky in another country in another time...This time they were smart, even confident. The very audacity of the attacks mocked our defence system. They attacked the foreigners, thus ensuring world coverage. It is also believed that this was a known threat, which makes what happened even more shocking...
Did you see those terrorists? They were mere kids! Kids with Guns!!!! and this time it was for real...these madmen managed to create havoc and the death of so many. They caught us napping. How could that have been possible? But it was, televised as it was to every corner of the world.
The last few days have been spent just watching the television and my laptop, wanting to stop reading but not able to... I just kept reading and watching...

Much as i miss india and am waiting to get back, i can't blame him if he wants to stay on. When i reached Singapore two days back (luckily my flight was not via bangkok) and hugged my children, a guilty thought made itself loud in my head "at least they are safe here" it screamed..
I'm fed up of listening to insipid, depressing speeches and searching for politicians who come out only when the coast is clear. Where are the leaders when you need them?
These were innocent people who lost their lives. Who paid dearly...for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. For being brave. For being normal. For trusting the country they chose to visit. Will they be soon forgotten because unfortunately 'life does goes on" ?
Then there were the resilient youth who helped others before they thought of themselves, a complete mirror image of the guntoting zombies. The stories are still pouring in of guardian angels. Isn't that cause for hope?
The need of the hour is finding the right leadership to take our country forward...Its time to make a big deal of showing everyone that WE do matter...Of wanting to know why the brave died despite having bullet proof vests...Of why it took so long to fly down the critical team. Of asking questions and demanding answers.
I've been reading blogs after a break...By and large everyone echoes the same sentiment...of wanting to do something, anything ...I see determined people all around having one thing in common..they are all seething with rage...It is the right time to guide that anger in the right direction. They need to unite and take a big first step, perhaps have a common goal... any ideas what that step could be?
may their soul rest in peace!!:)
Yes Suma, we need to act upon right. I am surprised that the all-party meeting on Sunday just replaced the Home Minister. What about the action to be taken? This time the world is watching how we react.
Couldn't write anything. The sadness at losing someone I knew engulfed all thoughts.:(
What do I say? I hope things get better?
Waiting patiently to see how things are handled now...which is far more important...considering too many seconds are lost just blaming one another
This is a comment I left on a similar post and this is what i want to say here too:
See--they have no conscience--According to them what they are doing is right and its justice and they will be rewarded for it in heaven.
The best way to deal with it is to NOT live in fear (Till a gun is put to your head), as a freed hostage said.These were foreign nationals who were rescued and are continuing with their tour of India and not running back to their country saying they are scared.I applauded their spirit. It is what each one of us needs to show.
That we are not scared. That is what will hit the most.
Apart from of course taking stringent measures.
My heart bleeds and beats for India.
Jai Hind.
You know the scariest thing that can happen to us, is something you have mentioned in the post and that is that we all become immune. You keep seeing this and it becomes a routine and you just accept it. I think it's about time all these attacks stopped becoming so damn common.
I have never seen so many people so angry. I am glad that so many people want to do something...anything. I just hope it doesn't fizzle out because they don't find something to support.
Glad ur back to S'pore safetly.
Theh harsh reality Suma..is that we will move on.We will do wat we do every morning n evening.We'll crib for a while n then forget..until the next one[GodForbid!] comes along..n then agn we'll blog,we'llrant,we'll crib, we'll discuss, we MAY cry and PRAY n then we'll resume life.
How long will and can this cycle continue is the Q!I donno the solution..but yes being practive is key now. Being reactive has cost us too many precious lives!
u echo my sentiments Suma. Im still in shock. My eyes hv been teary eversince Wednesday. I wanted to come bak to blogville on a joyful note. And this happened...so I wrote a post on it cos I cudnt keep my feelings locked inside. Im so very sad right now.
brocas:: why the smiley?
Joy:: Heads will roll, but that's not the solution...the people have to wake up...
meira:: really sorry to hear that...yes, things should get better but the lost ones cannot be got back...
prats:: sad isn't it?
Ps:: true, but the issue is not about being scared...the issue is channelising that anger which people feel into something constructive...
Deepali:: tha's the most scary part of the whole thing...and yes we have to do something...read madhumita's post..she's come up with some relevant ideas...
Pavi!!!!:: this time, i hope it will be different... that the people will not forget...
keshi:: welcome back...yes,the whole last week has been very depressing...
Hi Suma...came across your blog through Parul's when I was searching for all mommies blogging abt the latest atrocities in Mumbai. I too, like you, was speechless all those 4 horrific days. I was so shocked that words didn't find their way at all. I realize now that this incident has changed something in me forever. I feel like I have transformed into a strong patriot after this. I feel like doing ANYTHING I can - even small things like get out there and caste my vote. I think little things can make a huge difference but only if all of us are committed to these things. So let's put our heads together and start thinking - what can we do that will make a difference. If you don't mind, I'll be linking this post to mine at http://indianinfant.blogspot.com/2008/11/first-bangalore-then-ahmedabad-and-now.html
Hi there...came across your blog when I was searching for all mommies blogging abt the latest atrocities in Mumbai. I too, like you, was speechless all those 4 horrific days. I was so shocked that words didn't find their way at all. I realize now that this incident has changed something in me forever. I feel like I have transformed into a strong patriot after this. I feel like doing ANYTHING I can - even things like get out there and caste my vote. I think little things can make a huge difference but only if all of us are committed to these things. So let's put our heads together and start thinking - what can we do that will make a difference. If you don't mind, I'll be linking this post to mine.
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