Coming back to the word's occurred to me, esp when i do those damn tags, that life with me is not exactly a bed of roses. There he must be definitely suffering more than me!
But this post is not going to be a mushy sentimental one, even if he deserves it sometimes. At the moment i happen to be a little miffed with him. He's thrown a very serious accusation at me. He said at dinner time..."I think you are addicted"...very seriously, very sweetly but said it nevertheless...

He's the only one i know who can be seriously sweet!!which means that i better take it seriously!! which in turn means, Ms Piggy comes to the fore and oils her arguing cords..
addicted, me, moi?? and to what may i know?..
to the net..came the reply

later,dwelling on this, i thought to myself..addicted, no way..but the seeds of doubt have been sown...
a little voice spoke...of course you are, aren't you always at your computer..
me...hey, that's just a few creative juices overflowing!!and i have to use my computer for my magazine work
Lil voice..."Rubbish...and the time when you didn't utter a word when he carried the laptop along on the holiday...and you even perked up when you realised the room had free wireless (since when have you been interested in wireless technology?)
me...whose side are you on, his or what if i did?...
Lil voice...and the look your son gives you when you lecture about too much Internet...Didn't he say, oh yeah!we all know who's using it these days
Me...hmm.....So everyone needs an outlet for those creative outbursts...and okay, okay, perhaps i'm a wee bit addicted...just a teeny weeny bit...
Though, it's not reached the stage where i sleep with the computer and i've not yet used it in the loo. Still,.... you think ....he could be right?(the horror of it all, if he turns out to be right!!)
There is no doubt that i enjoy blogging. Its through blogging that i've rediscovered a lost passion and your supportive comments make me want to do more.Thanks to you, wonderful blogger friends, i keep coming back for more. So its your fault...i think... :)
But now since it just doesn't do to have the EH right, i will be de-addicting myself. From now on I'm going to glance into bloville just five times a day. Remember I've called you 'wonderful' so you wouldn't say 'good riddance to me'now would you?
I'll be back...
like in a day...
i think he's right...
but u know wot... u're not alone! :) i booked d hotel with wi-fi for our thanksgiving time-out... and i do get queasy if i don't chk my mail every couple of hours *NOT that anyone mails me!* hmm... this IS serious! :(
but come back soon! :)
Thanks for making me realize that I'm also a culprit!
You may be finding blogosphere seriously sweet!
Btw, pictures were too good.
he he, you and addicted :)
I guess we all are addicted to one thing or the other, but then there is a thin line between being passionate about something and addicted..
I would like to believe we have high passion towards blogging :)
hahaha.. are you sure this is the story of your life and not mine??!! loved the pic of the one in the loo.. and I found myself thinking... what a great idea... yikes!!!
But like rambler says .. its a passion not addiction!! Like I keep telling DH.. I just happen to be very fond of blogging!! :P
Btw, I wanted to write this very post and you beat me to it!!
thats a great addiction I would least gets the husband to notice the absence of his spouse....
Maybe in a way, all us regulay ones....are kind of getting hooked ..I would say
Now, I warned you! Didnt I? :)
@ rayshma..
You think its contagious?...come back soon? hee..i'm already back!!!
so sweet i could get diabetes..:) Thank you...
@ rambler...
i think you need to have a seriously sweet chat with my EH...sort of clear the air :)) thank you...
@ preethi...
am i glad to see another blog happy person...and do write... i would love to read :)
@ prats...
a great addiction, you said i just have to convince him :(
@ raghu...
tsk..tsk.. putting salt on the wound..are you?
:) i hav felt the same as well @ times... but i stay away net for couple of days and thereby b happy tht am nt addicted :P
how will it b if i say am now keeping away :)) dont ask me how am here then :D
While driving to work today morning, I was thinking maybe I would write a post on how blogs has become integral part of my life. And what do I see here :) My hubby had commented earlier what do I have to write so much and I told him he would not understand ! But yes, as of now, I am little bit addicted to blogging and it works like a good therapy for me.
Really curious to know more about this magazine you mentioned, more details please? And addiction, bah! Me thinks it's jealousy from the hubby and the kids, afterall they dont get you as much as they did before..take care.
2 pk...
hehh..i hav eno problem staying away..but when i have to blog, i have to!!!thanks for dropping by
@ joy..
:)...therapy...sounds good...should try saying that to the EH...he may lose it then :)
@ Ul... think so?...a jealous husband...i like that...:)thank made my day :)
BTW, just caught your mail, yep ULComments is me indeed - thanks.
If this comments comes to me I would have reacted in the ditto way :D :D
Well, as ssoon as I realize I am getting addicted to something; my minds starts working on de-addiction process :) :)
Life is fun at times :)
:) I could SOOOOOOOOO relate to this! In fact i'd done a similar post sometime back.
Follow me here for my link ;)
2 sunshine...
isn't it...tho i don't want to get de addicted!!!
@ ps..
had you..must see it :)
@ Ul...
Followed :)
Right there with you... some day when they talk about the old days and the blogging phenomenon... we can say that we were here...again and again again...
shared thoughts..two weeks back decided I am going to definitely be away due to business commitments and a week holiday..but just look at my blog I had hardly been away for two days,that too because I was far away into Himalayas where only sherpas and snow were there !!good they ddnt yet get power
addiction..whats it !!
@ lea...
That we can say...and yours is one site i love to revisit again and again ;)
@ Cu...
so u're back finally? One addicted soul talking to another?
@ just jen...
sweet words...and computing in the toilet..i'm going to try ;)
I so relate to this post!!!
Oh boy,
You are not alone.
We are with u......
It's damn addictive for sure!Perhaps a blogoholics anonymous is in order for all of us:)
@ noon...
heh..heh...i'm sure!!!
@ dd...
hey dame,...long time,I wondered hwether you too had joined a deaddiction course..:)
@ fuzzy...
hey great idea...on hind sight, mebbe not so great...i don't want to get deaddicted ;)
Hey!! I loved this post..:) And ya, its okay to live in blogville... if something makes you happy, it really shouldnt make you guilty!! Like chocolate, no? :)
@ ziah...
if it meant you coming out of oblivion, i'm definitely not being guilty...infact i'm grinning...does this mean miss muffet is back??
3 things I would like to say -
1) I found the whole EH thing pretty interesting.
2) I know I create a living hell for people who have to tolerate (read live with) me.
3) I am Deepali and I am an internet addict.
glad to know, and by way of such a fun post that I am not alone ;)
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