I looked at her, she looked at me. She came towards me, with a very determined look. I cringed knowing that I would goof up again. Was I sweating? I hoped not!
Was it going to be on the left or the right, left or right?
She inched towards my left while i inched towards her right.
So intent was I on getting it perfect,
that I never realised when she changed directions!
Clash!!! splat!!
*$#& a bruised cheek, an even more bruised ego!!!
Many years back, I had written this after a cheek to cheek air kiss greeting went amiss. A hello seemed to require a lot of precision and grace, just to safely connect.
Last evening, at the gettogether at my apartment complex, I realised not much seems to have changed with me, since then. Atleast with the ones I didn't know well.
I seem to have confused quite a few, when I decided to change mid track and offered my hand instead of my cheek. I'm sure kissing my hand was not the greeting they had in mind.
So that's why you see all my enthusiasm in my smiles, while I buy seconds and tick all the criteria in my mind : do i know him/her? distance of a cm, an inch, a foot? side hug, full hug, bone-crushing hug? right cheek, left cheek, no cheek?
I'm kidding. I love you all. And you will be patient with me while I make up my mind, wont you? I'm still perfecting the precise art of saying hello!