Tuesday, September 21, 2010


It has been six months since I last posted and the reason for that had to be something phenomenal.



How about 'The wordsmith in me was on leave and forgot to get back?"

The only reason I've rushed to post something is because a reader who obviously does not know me too well, sort of  asked if i was expecting some 'good news'!


The only good news that I can expect right now, is that my 7 yrold who acts as if he is 13/14/15 goes back to acting his sweet 7 again.

As for me, after the great spring break, days flew and soon it was time for "The Grand Summer Break".

70 days of premier-quality parenting sort of broke my routine permanently!

India and Istanbul have been seen and raved about, the boys have been STILL behaving angelic, perhaps it is time to take out the keyboard.

Now to entice that wordsmith back. Any ideas?